Home Prices in Northern CA
Home sales,
population, households, crime and weather for 95663 Single Family Home Sales Click on time frame to see a detailed report.
Sold in |
Homes Sold |
Average Price |
Minimum Price |
Maximum Price |
Last 3 months |
1 |
$699,100 |
$699,100 |
$699,100 |
Last 6 months |
15 |
$614,507 |
$283,000 |
$1,050,000 |
Last Year |
39 |
$580,323 |
$35,000 |
$2,067,000 |
Population and Households
Population |
2,356 |
Percent Change since 1990 Census |
15% |
Population Male |
1,184 / 50.3% |
Population Female |
1,172 / 49.7% |
Median Age |
42.37 |
Households |
866 |
Median Years in Residence |
6.16 |
Annual Residential Turnover |
10.16% |
In Current Residence 5+ years |
54.62% |
Households: Family |
681 / 78.6% |
Households: Non-Family |
184 / 21.2% |
Households: With Children |
296 / 34.2% |
Households: No Children |
570 / 65.8% |
Average Household Size |
2.72 |
Median household income |
$63,313 |
Average household Income |
$75,105 |
Households with no vehicles available |
3% |
Households with one vehicle available |
15% |
Households with two or more vehicles available |
82% |
Household Data
Households |
866 |
Median Dwelling Age |
26 years |
Vacant Dwellings |
25 |
Owner-Occupied Dwellings |
761 |
Renter-Occupied Dwellings |
104 |
Average Household Size |
2.72 |
Crime Demographics
The crime demographics are based upon a National Index score of 100. A score of 200 indicates twice
the national average, while 50 indicates half the national risk. |
Total Crime |
26 |
Assault |
23 |
Burglary |
24 |
Larceny |
17 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
3 |
Murder |
48 |
Personal Crime |
36 |
Property Crime |
15 |
Rape |
64 |
Robbery |
11 |
Weather, Nature, Pollution
Average January High Temperature |
54.2 F |
Average January Low Temperature |
37.6 F |
Average July High Temperature |
91.3 F |
Average July Low Temperature |
62.7 F |
Annual Precipitation |
36.51 inches |
Earthquake Risk |
88 |
Weather Risk |
10 |
Hail Index |
4 |
Tornado Index |
24 |
Air Pollution Index |
83 |
Ozone Index |
102 |
Carbon Monoxide Index |
69 |
Lead Index |
42 |
NO2 Index |
105 |
Particulate Matter Index |
97 |