Service your customers by providing home loans while giving your client control.
Ginger Hopp is proud to present a revolutionary way of providing mortgage services to your customers. This program will
enhance your services with the ability to provide your customers with a mortgage easily and securely. You already provide
your clients with valuable advice on mortgage services, so why refer their business down the street to someone else only
to have them delay and mess up the works?
What Are The Benefits? When you partner with Ginger Hopp you are entering into a program that is designed
to benefit you and your customer in many different ways. Our streamlined application process is designed to get
you an approval quickly. Just think, this service is available from any Internet accessible computer anytime and
anywhere. The application itself has been designed to guide you through the process with step-by-step expertise. Competitive
interest rates and low closing costs can be offered to your client without any additional overhead.
Easy To Sign Up! To learn more, please call me. Your business is appreciated and you will be
be rewarded for your time and effort. |