Since many Investors are tired of earning a pitifully small return on CD's or they are worried about
investing in the volatile stock market, we now have a business model where an Investor may purchase
an individual Note. There are two types of Notes. A performing
note is held for a Cash Flow average of 15% return. The interest range is from a low of 8% and up
to 22% annual return-on-investment (ROI). Replace your stocks and bonds with an average 15% ROI and become the bank,
instead of a landlord. You are buying at 55% of current market prices.
The Investor that is interested in the higher profits of non-performing notes
will be growing their Capitol in a Joint Venture with Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd for the highest possible Cash-to-Value,
earning in excess of 20%.
You now have a knowledgeable Partner that you can Joint Venture
with you to take advantage of this window of opportunity. We don't know how long this window will stay open (a few more
years at minimum). The timing is right now to invest in Notes.