When Cash Investor Landlords purchase homes to rent out.
They must wait for the market to recover before they can sell it for a profit.
Why should those Landlords buy Notes instead?
Performing Notes:
o Real
Estate Processing Services, LLC (REPS) analyzes all notes extensively prior to purchase, in order to establish realistic time
frames to possession and re-sale close of escrow (COE)
o The fee earned for acquiring a Performing note is 6% of the note price and payable directly to Real Estate Processing
Services, LLC on the date of the note acuisition. (note purchase date)
o R eal Estate Processing Services, LLC sets up a 3rd Party Servicing company to collect the monthly payments from
the borrower and direct deposit to the Note Buyers account for a average fee of $35. per month.
Note Scenario (or re-performing):
You might purchase a promissory note with an unpaid balance of $144k
While the property (SFR) may have a current distressed value of $l00k
But you might buy the note for $55,000 (55% LTV of the current market)
All Performing Notes purchased by our investors are directly assigned
to the investor (you).
As the Note Buyer, you are the lender and become like
the bank, in a sense.
- The payment is based on the unpaid balance of $144,000.
- You could receive principle and interest payments of approximately
$761.00 per month (varies by interest rate on promissory note)
- $761 x 12 months is an annual yield return of approximately 16.6%
- Current
Market Value of Asset = $100k, but you paid $55k for the Note
- IF
it ever became a non-performing Note (no worries) we can just sell the property for an additional profit (see below)
and then buy another Note for your portfolio to replace it.
- A
1st position Mortgage Note is a Secured Asset of Real Estate property.
NON-performing Notes:
o Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd forms a
Joint-Venture with the Note Buyer(s) and will handle all the details for the cash Investor, including any legal
o Real Estate
Processing Services, LLC (REPS) analyzes all notes extensively prior to purchase, in order to establish
realistic time frames to possession and re-sale close of escrow (COE)
o The fee earned for
acquiring the Non-performing note is 5% of the note price and payable directy to Real Estate Processing Services, LLC
on the date of the note acquisition.
Since the note is non-performing, Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd. continues forward with
foreclosure, taking the property and re-selling it.
The borrower may be approached by Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd to enlist their cooperation
in securing the property.
We align our customers with National Servicing Companies to assist with all legal procedures. Foreclosure
duties are coordinated by EEAM.
Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd arranges the Listing and sale with a local Real Estate Brokerage
and oversees the entire process every step of the way.
Once the property is sold and title transfers to the new Buyer through Escrow, the Investor
earns an average ROI (return-on-investment) of 20 -30% or more after all expenses are deducted
Non-performing Note return’s are typically achieved in 4-6 months and may achieve up
to 100% plus annual returns when profits are re-invested repeatedly.
RIGHT NOW during
2010, you have the chance to buy notes at prices that in the past were only available to large investment banking firms. more... We feel this opportunity will be available and
affordable up to the next 18 months. Banks are sitting on a mountain of defaulted mortgages and they want them off
their books--at any cost. They are being sold off to clearing houses in bundles of performing and non-performing notes
at tremendous discounts in order for the banks to stay in business. This is a rare opportunity; the time is now. Notes
are where smart hedge fund managers invest... you can too when you Team up with REPS and Eagle Eyes Asset Management!
We align our investors with constant streams of notes to
choose from. Our concentration is on residential note transactions where the deepest discounts are currently.
REPS buys the note directly from the note warehouse at steep discounts
for you as our investor. You put the 'Performing Note' directly into your portfolio for an average 14% return
on investment -or- Joint Venture with Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd to flip a non-performing Note for
even higher returns on your investment.
Smart hedge fund managers invest in 1st position mortgage Notes, now
you can too when you Team up with Eagle Eyes Asset Management LTD and R.E.P.S. Allow our Real Estate experience to lead you into a secure and high yielding investment strategy. Call today... the timing is now!