You need cash to purchase a Note; and that cash
is wired directly for the acquisition of the Note. Once the wire is received, the Note is put directly into the Note Buyer’s
name within minutes and you are considered the new LENDER of record. On the same
date that you acquire this note, REPS will arrange for a servicing company to collect your monthly payments and deposit those funds
directly into the account of your choice. The monthly charge for this service is usually $35. per month.
Getting Started:
_ A Note Buyer must have accessible cash to purchase a
_ Proof of Funds is required, usually a Bank statement showing that the funds are liquid.
The purpose of the Proof of Funds is so that after all the work performed in choosing the best Note(s) for you including any
due diligence, we are guaranteed in writing that the Note Buyer is ready to act immediately by wiring funds directly for the acquisition
of the note.
_ The Note Buyer is actually pre-approved prior to ordering a list of notes available.