PERFORMING NOTES: 8%-22% Annual Yields
Much higher than any CD annual yields
You need cash to purchase a Note; and that cash
is wired directly for the acquisition of the Note. Once the wire is received, the Note is put directly into the Note Buyer’s
name within minutes and you are considered the new LENDER of record. On the same
date that you acquire this note, REPS will arrange for a servicing company to collect your monthly payments and deposit those funds
directly into the account of your choice. The monthly charge for this service is usually $35. per month.
Getting Started:
_ A Note Buyer must have accessible cash to purchase a
_ Proof of Funds is required, usually a Bank statement showing that the funds are liquid.
The purpose of the Proof of Funds is so that after all the work performed in choosing the best Note(s) for you including any
due diligence, we are guaranteed in writing that the Note Buyer is ready to act immediately by wiring funds directly for the acquisition
of the note.
_ The Note Buyer is actually pre-approved prior to ordering a list of notes available.
In this scenario the borrower makes payments on time.
Add this Note to your Portfolio for passive income. As the Investor,
you become just like a bank. With a Loan Servicing Company, we will arrange to collect the mortgage
payments for you for about $35.00 per month; just like a bank does.
You keep 100% of the payments and we earn an Asset Management Fee upfront
as a percentage of the Note purchase price. This fee is completely tax deductible and includes any
research performed including other due diligence tasks associated with obtaining the Note for you. The monthly payment
is yours entirely.
Being 'like the bank' is much better than being a landlord;
you simply collect the payments and don't worry about the maintenance. Have you ever heard of a homeowner (borrower)
calling the bank when there is a plumbing issue? No, they just simply fix it themselves. You just relax and collect
the monthly payment; you are 'The Investor' of the Note.
Since we only work with 1st Deed Mortgage Notes, the real
estate is the collateral for the Note. If the borrower stops paying and the Note becomes a non-performing
note, you are still in a very safe postion. We have several exit-strategies that may quickly solve the problem ...(more...
click here)
Cash Flow ~ Passive Income
Earn up to 16%
(average average annual yeilds)
_1st Mtg Note Buying only _ Note Evaluation prior to buy _ 55%-70% Cash-to-Value Negotiations
_ Acquisiton price based on Annual Yield _ Mortgage Servicing (3rd Pary) _ Comparative
Market Analysis _ Due Diligence Services performed
Note Search & Negotiations
Title Fees and/or Transfer Fees
Due Diligence ... other
Note Analysis on spreadsheet
Analyze Statistics of Area
Comparative Market Analysis
_ Analyze Chain of Title
Analyze Tax Records
Performing (recieving payments) -
PL - 16% Average Annual Yields
Re-performing (receive modified payment) - RPL -
15% to 22% Average Annual Yields
Non-performing (foreclosure has begun) - 20%
to 40% + + Average Return-on-Investment
These Performing Notes are secured by the real estate with a borrower in place long before we decide we want to acquire that Note. The note may have
originated with BoA or WF and then it may have been sold off in a secondary market where we will acquire the Note from.
The borrower on the promissory note is home owner with their
legal “bundle of rights” which may include the right to tax write-offs as a property owner. Since the borrower (legal home owner) continues to make their payments timely, these Notes
are then referred to as “Performing Notes” because the borrower is
performing with their monthly payments in a timely fashion. The note owner (The Investor) is referred to as
the Lender or the Bank.
RIGHT NOW during
2010, you have the chance to buy notes at prices that in the past were only available to large investment banking firms. more... We feel this opportunity will be available and
affordable up to the next 18 months. Banks are sitting on a mountain of defaulted mortgages and they want them off
their books--at any cost. They are being sold off to clearing houses in bundles of performing and non-performing notes
at tremendous discounts in order for the banks to stay in business. This is a rare opportunity; the time is now. Notes
are where smart hedge fund managers invest... you can too when you Team up with REPS and Eagle Eyes Asset Management!
We align our investors with constant streams of notes to
choose from. Our concentration is on residential note transactions where the deepest discounts are currently.
REPS buys the note directly from the note warehouse at steep discounts
for you as our investor. You put the 'Performing Note' directly into your portfolio for an average 14% return
on investment -or- Joint Venture with Eagle Eyes Asset Management, Ltd to flip a non-performing Note for
even higher returns on your investment.
Smart hedge fund managers invest in 1st position mortgage Notes, now
you can too when you Team up with Eagle Eyes Asset Management LTD and R.E.P.S. Allow our Real Estate experience to lead you into a secure and high yielding investment strategy. Call today... the timing is now!