Pricing comes from analyzing all the aspects to decide
which Note is best for you to purchase. We know the in's and out's of AVMs, BPOs and comparably priced properties,
and research Title Reports and Tax Records for other information. Knowing how to assess the time and expense
involved if in a foreclosure while examining available exit strategies are key factors in deciding which Note to purchase
and which price to pay.
Performing Notes are priced according to the "annual yield" they will earn and average
between 55%-70% of *current market value. Location of the property is a key consideration.
Non-performing Notes are priced about 55% or less of *current market value. Different
foreclosure laws for each State may make a difference in pricing.
If you are buying a pool of notes, REPS fee will be less than buying one note at a time.
See Schedule One for examples.
* Current market value means the price a property would sell for in today's foreclosure market within a 30-day